Personal & Professional Life Coach
5 Top Tips For Building Resilience Workbook
This workbook is designed to get you thinking about your own resilience levels. Answer each of the questions honestly and then reflect on what changes you might need to make to be more resilient.
My 5 Top Tips For Building Resilience

1. Put your own life vest on first
You can’t possibly help anyone else, if you’re already drowning! Self-care and appreciation is so important. Watch what you eat, how much exercise you take and monitor how you are feeling day to day. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; accept that you can’t do everything on your own.
2. Surround yourself with positive people
Avoid ‘mood-hoovers’ and hang out with people who have a positive outlook on life. Don’t be dragged down by other people’s negativity. Choose who you spend time with.
3. Don’t leave everything to fate
Make your own fate by creating realistic goals that will compel you to take action. Believe that you can achieve what you want and take positive and measured steps that are future focused.
4. Be Proactive
Concentrate on the things that you CAN control and not on what you CAN’T. We spend far too much wasting valuable brain space on things that we can’t change. Let those things go and make way for the good stuff. When you identify what it is that you can control, change or influence, take action!
5. Learn by your mistakes
If you’re not failing, you’re not growing. Embrace the things you get wrong and spend time reflecting on what lessons you can learn – and more importantly, how you’ll get it right next time.